Gabrielle’s story doesn’t start with a diagnosis—it starts with a decision. At just five months old, she was diagnosed with schizencephaly, a rare neurological condition that causes clefts in the brain, severely impacting motor function and muscle control. Doctors told her foster parents she might never walk or talk. But instead of fear or hesitation, her parents chose love.
They adopted her at 18 months old, and from that moment on, Gabrielle’s life has been a steady stream of miracles—and a whole lot of determination.
Now a young adult living in Atlanta, Gabrielle is full of life, laughter, and a kind of wisdom far beyond her years. Despite having limited use of the left side of her body and undergoing seven surgeries since birth, she graduated with the titles of Graduate Honor and Hope Scholar. That’s right—walked.
“When I was first born, the doctors said I may never walk, talk, or do anything. Well, my life has proven them wrong,” she said proudly.
If you ask Gabrielle to define herself, she won’t list a single one of the challenges she faced.
Instead, she’ll tell you how she got accepted to college at Georgia State University. (She’s deferring her classes right now in lieu of focusing on skills development). She’ll tell you about her dream of becoming a sports reporter. She might even tell you how she completed her entire Chive Charities application on her own. (We triple-checked. She absolutely did.)
And then she’ll tell you about the things she loves—drama, music, and a good laugh. Comedy is her thing. If you spend more than five minutes with Gabrielle, you’ll probably find yourself smiling too. She’s got a personality that can light up any room.
While her tenacity has opened doors, some challenges remain stubbornly in the way. One of the biggest was transportation. Gabrielle’s family relied on an older vehicle with a manual wheelchair ramp, and it’s become increasingly hard for her aging parents to operate. The physical strain grew heavier with each trip, and with a bright future on the horizon, dependable, safe, and accessible transportation became more important than ever.
With the help of our generous donors—and our incredible partners at AMS Vans—we were able to provide Gabrielle and her family with a fully accessible 2017 white Toyota Sienna, featuring an easier-to-use ramp system that’s safer and less physically demanding. The total monetary impact? $54,977. The real impact? Immeasurable.
This van isn’t just a vehicle. It’s freedom. It’s peace of mind for her parents. It’s security on early morning commutes and late-night rides home from events. It’s a daily reminder that people—strangers, even—are cheering her along on her journey.
It means she gets to keep believin’.
And if you’ve been keeping up with our stories, you’ll know Gabrielle isn’t alone. Every week, we meet extraordinary people who’ve taken life’s toughest hand and turned it into something remarkable. People who refuse to let limitations define them. People like Gabrielle.
Behind every story we tell—every wheelchair-accessible van, every life-changing grant, every “I never thought this would happen to me” moment—there’s a community of donors making it possible. You may never meet Gabrielle in person. But if you’ve ever donated to Chive Charities, know this: you were part of her story. You helped her get some independence back. You made her world 10% happier.
So if you’re reading this and you’ve ever given to Chive Charities, thank you. Thank you for being the chorus behind every verse of hope we write.
And if you haven’t yet? Consider this your invitation to join the movement—to believe in people like Gabrielle and make the world 10% happier, one act of kindness at a time.
After all, the road ahead is long, but so worth it. And no one should have to travel it alone.
So turn the music up. Keep dreaming big. And whatever you do...
Don’t. Stop. Believin’. DONATE HERE.