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Emma R.

We'll do anything for our girl.

Emma’s parents waited 13 long years to become parents.

After enduring countless treatments, their prayers were finally answered. But early in the pregnancy, they were devastated to discover that their daughter, who they decided to name Emma, didn't have a corpus callosum—the bridge that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

Doctors were far from hopeful, advising the family of their options, including terminating the pregnancy. But Claudia and her husband didn’t spend more than a decade dreaming of their family just to give up on their girl. So they did what any parent would do...they fought for Emma.


Emma was born six years ago, defying the odds stacked against her. But her birth was far from smooth. Claudia experienced a placental abruption (a critical condition where the placenta separates from the uterus before delivery), forcing an emergency C-section. During the delivery, Emma was deprived of oxygen and had to be resuscitated. If there’s a silver lining to be found here, it’s that Claudia was under anesthesia and didn’t have to witness the terrifying moments that followed. 

It was bittersweet in every definition of the word—Emma was finally here, but her arrival brought complications no parent is ever prepared for.

After Emma was stabilized, she was transferred to the NICU, where she spent the first three weeks of her life. Those early days were a blur of fear and uncertainty. As first-time parents, Claudia and her husband were overwhelmed, especially with the level of care Emma required. She had frequent secretions, was fed through a G-tube, and needed constant monitoring. The hospital was filled with nurses to help, but at home, it was just the three of them. The transition was scary, but Claudia quickly got the hang of it. She had to—anything for her girl.


Emma’s early progress was encouraging. She showed good movement and mobility, but at around three months, everything changed. 

Emma began experiencing infantile seizures that caused her to lose some of the progress she had made. A device was implanted in her chest to help manage the seizure activity, and she now requires four different medications daily to keep the episodes at bay.

Emma also suffered from severe back pain due to several spinal conditions. When she was born, doctors said they couldn’t do anything for her because she was too little and surgery was too risky. The advice was simply to "wait and try not to move her too much." As if that wasn’t enough, Emma began experiencing more problems with her lungs when she was around 10-11 months old. 

Almost every month, they were back in the hospital dealing with aspirations and secretions.

Realizing they needed better access to specialized care, the family made a life-changing decision. They sold everything in California and moved to Washington to be closer to Seattle Children’s Hospital, which has excellent pulmonologists who could better support Emma’s needs. It was a massive change, but they knew it was the right one. Anything for their girl.

As Emma has grown, so too have the challenges. Transferring her from bed to stroller and from stroller to car seat has become increasingly difficult as she gets bigger.

One of the most difficult tasks has been getting Emma in and out of their vehicle. The process is not only physically demanding but also dangerous due to the risk of injury. The family needed a solution that would allow them to transport Emma safely and comfortably. This is where Chive Charities and our incredible donor community stepped in.

Thanks to donations ranging from $10 to $200 or more per month, Chive Charities was able to fully fund a Turny Evo Swivel Seat for Emma’s vehicle, a vital piece of equipment that allows her to be transferred safely and with dignity.

This $16,080 impact has made a world of difference in Emma’s daily life. And for Claudia and her husband, it’s another reminder that they are not alone in their fight. They would do anything for their girl, and now, so did others like you.

Despite all the challenges, Emma’s spirit shines bright.

She uses a prosthetic eye in her left eye and has limited vision in her right, so she loves musical toys with lights and also loves bright balloons. You can also find her watching cartoons on her iPad, spending time in her adaptive swing, and generally bringing happiness to those lucky enough to know her.

Her parents cherish every moment with her, knowing that each day is a gift. They live every day as if it could be their last with Emma because they don’t know how long they have with her. But whether it’s a short time or many more years, one thing is certain: These two will continue to do anything for their girl.

As this family continues their journey, they know they can count on the support of people who, like them, will do whatever it takes for Emma. 

No matter where you are, what you’re going through, or what still lies ahead, there’s one truth you can carry with you: Chive Charities and its community of supporters will be there for our recipients. Become part of that life-changing experience and join us as a donor today. DONATE HERE.

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