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Marcia J.

Many hands, one heart.

In life, there are times when challenges become too much to handle alone. It’s in these moments that the power of community becomes clear—when people come together to offer support.

Many hands, one heart. Marcia's story is a strong example of this. With the care of her family, the commitment of her doctor, and the generosity of the Chive Nation community, Marcia has found the strength to keep going.


Later in her life, Marcia's health took a dramatic turn when she was diagnosed with a series of rare and debilitating conditions, including Mixed connective tissue disease, arthritis, pulmonary fibrosis, heart failure, scleroderma, Raynaud’s Phenomena, and fibromyalgia. 

Before her diagnosis, Marcia was an active, independent woman who thrived on her daily routines, whether it was attending church, walking for exercise, or simply enjoying social interactions. Life was vibrant and full.

The first signs of trouble emerged about two decades ago when Marcia began experiencing unexplained pain and fatigue. Despite her love for walking and staying active, she started to notice that something was seriously wrong. A visit to her doctor confirmed her fears—she was diagnosed with a cluster of autoimmune diseases that would change her life forever. These conditions, especially Mixed connective tissue disease, are complex and often misunderstood, with symptoms that overlap and complicate treatment.

For Marcia, the physical toll has been immense, and her once-active lifestyle has taken a hit. Simple tasks like standing at the sink to wash dishes have become excruciatingly painful. Even attending church and spending time with community members, which she cherishes, is often too difficult. The fatigue and pain are constant and it continually impacts her daily life.

One of the most challenging aspects of her condition has been the effect on her circulatory system, leading to Raynaud’s phenomenon, which causes blood flow issues in her extremities. This resulted in a severe infection in one of her fingers, turning it black and requiring a complex surgical procedure. Her doctor performed a life-saving surgery by taking a vein from her leg and grafting it into her hand to restore circulation, saving her finger. 

Throughout these trials, Marcia has leaned heavily on her two sons, who have been amazing caregivers and supporters. Her youngest son, Marvin III, has been particularly instrumental in her care.


Despite his own demanding job, Marvin ensures that Marcia gets to her medical appointments and assists with her daily needs. Marcia is deeply grateful for his unwavering support, often referring to him as her rock. Her older son, Ray Jones, has also been a huge help, ensuring that his mother never feels alone in her battle. 

Many hands, one heart.

Equally significant in Marcia’s life is her physician, Dr. Thappa, who has provided not only medical care but also emotional support. 

“After we talk about my physical well-being, he’s always asking me, ‘What else outside of your health can I help you with?’ He’s a very good doctor,” Marcia told us.

We would have to agree, because it was Dr. Thappa who connected Marcia with Chive Charities, recognizing the impact that additional support could have on her quality of life.

Living with lupus and its associated conditions has not been easy for Marcia. The constant pain and the drastic lifestyle changes have been overwhelming at times. So when she needed some extra mobility support, he pointed her in our direction, hoping our donor family might be able to step in and help fund her need. 

Many hands, one heart.

Our one-time and monthly donors responded, fully covering the cost of an Acorn stairlift to help Marcia continue to navigate her home, safely, while maintaining her independence. The total impact was $6,400.


Marcia shared with us the disparities in support available to lupus patients compared to those with more well-known diseases like cancer, acknowledging the challenges that come with living with a lesser-understood illness. 

However, her gratitude for the extended lifespan she has been granted—beyond the initial prognosis of three to four years—fuels her determination to keep going. This stairlift will help her continue to build her strength.

Yet, Marcia’s story is not just one of struggle. Her journey with lupus and other rare diseases is ongoing, but she continues to find joy in the little things, like walking when she can, solving puzzles, and attending church. 

Her story is a powerful reminder of the importance of community, compassion, and the difference that small acts of kindness can make in the lives of those battling chronic illness. We’ve seen it through Chive Charities and your support for over a decade.

Whether it’s her sons stepping up daily to assist her, her doctor going the extra mile to ensure she feels cared for, or the Chive Charities community providing the financial support to improve her quality of life, Marcia has found strength in those around her. Many hands, one heart.

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