Trent F.

Trent Wins the Gold!

August 29, 2024

If you’ve been following us for a few years, you will probably recognize Trent, one of our Veteran recipients from 2019.

While so much has changed since 2019, Trent’s love for adaptive racing and athletics has not.

Trent shared with us that he has just returned from Australia, where he completed with Team USA in the Long Distance Triathlon, the longest and most challenging race of the event. Despite encountering his share of obstacles, he pushed through and claimed the gold medal. The story of his journey quickly spread worldwide, highlighting not just his performance but the impact he and his team made on others.

During the event, Trent and his wife designed and gave away 40 shirts to athletes and individuals they encountered who were suffering. For Trent, spreading HOPE was always the goal, and he believes that together with his wife, they accomplished just that.

Trent told us that, although he would have loved to participate in the Paralympics, the conflicts were too great to overcome this time. Instead, Trent chose to work alongside USA Triathlon, focusing on enhancing inclusivity opportunities and recruiting more paras to the sport. His race, placed last due to its extreme difficulty, tested him in every way. From battling strong currents and tides in the swim, to a malfunctioning electronic shifter that forced him to ride 70 miles in a single gear, and tackling epic climbs in the racing chair, every obstacle served as a testament to the resilience of paras. His relentless dedication was noted by race directors and coaches from nearly every country represented.

Trent hopes that his work with TriHOPE will continue to thrive and support others on their journeys to find light in dark times. The road back will not be easy—replacing the broken shifter will be costly, and the injuries sustained are a constant reminder of the race’s toll. But through it all, Trent never lost sight of his purpose. He made a promise to himself that this medal, like all the others, would go to his greatest supporter, his wife. For Trent, his wife embodies the strength, love, and unwavering support that have carried him through every challenge.

While Trent continues pushing forward, we are proud to be able to cheer him on from the sidelines. Congratulations, Trent!

If you’d like to learn more about Trent and his story, we encourage you to read his original story via the link below.

Trent F.'s Updates

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