Tahron & Tyree H.

Tyree makes history

November 13, 2017

Tyree has good days and bad days, but a few really great days have made a big impact on his life and many others’.

His mom shared that their Chive Charities van made it possible for the family to travel to Tallahassee, Florida so she could advocate for newborn screening at the state capitol. Thanks to that testimony, Florida signed into law a bill to improve and expand their newborn screen, including screening for ALD beginning in July 2018!

In other great news, Tyree had a special 8th birthday party, where there was a ceremony of love for his baby sister and him, and also took a trip to Tampa to see friends this summer. He attended a local safe trick or treat event for Halloween and even dressed up, and they made time to meet fellow Chive Charities recipient Alyssa and her family.

We're so glad the van is helping Tyree enjoy as much as he can, and we wish him many more travel days to come!
