Nicole S.

Nicole just turned 2!

July 9, 2015

Nicole’s mom reached out to us recently, telling us that “the van from Chive Fund has helped Nicole tremendously. She can get to appoints safely, she has air conditioning to keep her from overheating in the hot car on long trips, and she’s been able to get out and go places with our family together - something we could never do before.”

So thank you, Chive Charities members, for completely changing this sweet girl's life!

However, Nicole also has some serious surgeries on the horizon. On Jully 22nd she will have her tonsils removed because they're blocking 80% of her airway. August 4th she will have an achilles tendon surgery at Shriner's in Sacramento. In September, she will have to have surgery to repair her soft pallet and remove her tracheotomy. So there is a lot coming up for this little fighter! If you'd like to help the family with the cost of medical bills, you can do so HERE. 

But she's still finding joy in every day. She and her twin sister Annabeth recently celebrated their 2nd birthday! Mom tells us, "each birthday is so special for her." Nicole has mastered sitting up on her own and also is very talented at getting into cupboards and messing up supplies, etc. Sounds like she's got the 2-year-old thing down!! KCCO & Keep your head up, Nicole!
