Melissa S.

Melissa was RAK’d a computer!

October 8, 2015

Recently Melissa’s home was robbed while she was in the hospital, and her laptop, among other valuable items, was stolen. Since this is a family and we protect our own, we asked our community to replace her computer with a $2,000 goal. If you’ve ever seen us try and limit Chivers to a goal, you know it rarely works out. They raised over 10 times more than that, and to top it off, Melissa was RAK’d a computer from Brandon Clayton, a generous Chiver with a computer to spare.

The amount this community is willing to give, willing to sacrifice, is immeasurable and difficult to put into words. You leave us in awe. Thank you for actively making this world 10% happier. 

KCCO Brandon, Chive MD, and everyone else who has helped Melissa get to where she is. 
