Ian F.

Ian cannot be stopped

December 23, 2016

Ian is determined to not let anything get in his way and he will tell you all about it!

Ian's family put together an awesome video to share with Chive Nation that illustrates Ian’s inspiring abilities:

Ian's mother, Jessica, reached out to us about the amazing progress of his communication abilities with the help of his iPad and skills learned from attending an AAC conference.  “Over several months Ian has been able to communicate with us so much and prove all those professionals wrong who said he was going to have the capabilities and intellect of a baby his whole life”  

“We really can't thank Chive Charities and all of the amazing donors to this charity enough for making this happen for Ian!! It has completely changed his life and ours as well. It's funny how an iPad seems like a really simple request to some, but can mean the absolute world to someone else.”

The Fletcher family has been inspired to go help other families with children struggling to find their voices from Pitt Hopkins Syndrome.  “We will continue to pay it forward and hope we are able to impact others in the way that Chive Charities has impacted us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”  
