Eric F.

Freckles and Eric’s Journey Continues

May 24, 2024

In 2022, we introduced you to Eric, a veteran and former first responder from Florida. Thanks to the selflessness of incredible donors, Chive Charities was able to support Eric in getting his service dog, Freckles. In addition, we were able to cover the cost of installing a secure fence around Eric’s yard to ensure Freckles’ safety and security when left unattended. 

Through your generosity, Eric's life has been forever changed, and we're excited to share some of the incredible moments and milestones that have unfolded since we last connected.

This week, we caught up with Eric’s wife, Carrie, who was more than happy to share an update on how everyone is doing. 

Carrie told us, "Having Freckles by his side has truly been a game-changer for Eric. She's not just a service dog – she's his best friend and constant companion, providing him with the support and assistance he needs to navigate life with confidence and independence."

The bond between Eric and Freckles continues to deepen with each passing day, as they embark on new adventures and face life's challenges together. "Freckles is always there for Eric, no matter what," Carrie continued."Whether they're out for a walk, spending time with family and friends, or simply relaxing at home, Freckles is by his side, offering her love and support unconditionally."

One of the most significant improvements Carrie’s seen since Freckles joined their family is the sense of security and peace of mind she brings.

"With Freckles watching over him, Eric feels safer and more confident venturing out into the world,” Carrie explained. “Knowing that he has a faithful companion by his side gives him the courage to pursue his passions and live life to the fullest.”

In addition to Freckles' invaluable support, Carrie told us that the backyard fence has given Eric the peace of mind to safely play and exercise with Freckles, without concerns.

Carrie further stated, “The fenced backyard has been a game-changer for us. It's allowed Eric and Freckles to enjoy the outdoors together without any worries, and it's been wonderful to see them both thrive in that space."

As we reflect on Eric's journey and the incredible impact your support has had on our lives, we're reminded of the power of compassion and generosity.

Carrie told us, "Chive Charities has been an incredible source of support for our family, and we're so grateful for everything they've done for us. Everybody’s contributions have truly made a difference in Eric's life, and we'll be forever grateful for their kindness and generosity.” 

She continued, "Every donation, no matter how big or small, has the potential to change lives. We're incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share our story with you all and to be part of such a supportive and caring community."

We couldn’t agree more, Carrie. 

To our donors: Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued support and belief in our mission. You made this possible. 

We look forward to staying in touch with this sweet family, and hearing all about the next steps in Eric & Freckles’ journey together. In the meantime, if you are interested in reading Eric’s full story, please feel free to click the link to his story below.
