Zoe L.

Zoe’s spinal surgery

July 21, 2016

Zoe Recently underwent the biggest surgery she'll every have. They removed two vertebrae in her neck (c3 and c4) and will to fuse it on the 27th. The initial surgery went well, with Zoe able to move all extremities shortly after waking up.

According to her family, "right now, Zoe's doing well with halo traction, doing PT every day and getting up and practice standing and walking. Our goal is 10 pounds of traction by July 27th and right now we are at 9 pounds. The traction is straightening out the spine as much as possible before the spinal fusion on the 27th. The weight from traction is helping her spinal cord a ton which is what is giving her a bit more strength and why we're getting such great results standing. The doctor mentioned next year after she's healed from surgery that we will be able to focus on getting her upright and hopefully able to walk!"
