Puyallup Extrication Team

Puyallup Extraction team hosts Extrication Academy!

May 2, 2019

Nearly 60 firefighters from across the region attended the annual 3 day King County Extrication Academy!

Participants who attended were able to build on their skills and knowledge when called to respond to a vehicle or heavy rescue extrications call. Firefighters received life saving classroom instruction and hands on practice challenges were they worked at a fast pace to get entrapped patients (live and mannequins) extricated while racing against the clock and putting together everything they learned from the 3 days of training.

The Puyallup Extrication Team was able to purchase two complete sets of Hurst Jaws of Life along with the batteries and chargers to go along with the set.  Jeff Pugh, President of the Puyallup Extrication Team sent us this message:

"Your gracious Chive Charities grant to our non profit has allowed us to continue the education and training we have been providing for the past 19 years…THANK YOU." 
