Makayla U.

A brand new way of life for Makayla

November 1, 2017

Makayla’s mom checked in with Chive Charities recently, and she said Makayla and Bailey are doing really great!

"They are both sophomores in high school and loving it! And, if you can believe it, they will be driving in just a few short months! So, steer clear of the kid driving with a dog hanging out the passenger window! They will be my Thelma and Louise! 

Makayla has gone nearly a year since her last brain surgery, which is mind-blowing for us (no pun intended)! She was averaging 5 or more surgeries per year, but is now paving the way for a life that honestly seemed so unattainable a mere 5 years ago. I have no doubt that all this is courtesy of our faith, Makayla’s determination to beat the odds, and Bailey’s unwavering loyalty, love, and support. Makayla’s life has drastically changed for the better since Bailey entered her life as her medical service dog. There are some gifts in life that 'Thank You' is completely inadequate for.....Bailey and the life she has given Makayla is one of them. Thank you, Chive Charites. Humbly, thank you."
