Levi C.

Levi’s Van is Here!

June 25, 2024

Levi’s Van has Arrived!

Last week, we introduced you to Levi, one of our most recent wheelchair-accessible van recipients.

Well, we are pleased to announce that Levi’s Van finally arrived towards the end of last week, and we could not be happier for Levi and his family!

Crystal, Levi’s mom, reached out to us shortly after the van was delivered to her doorstep, stating that “it feels like a dream.”

That’s not the first time we’ve heard that kind of feedback. Since our partnership began in 2020, AMS Vans has made sure to make the delivery process smooth, easy, and care-free for all of our recipients. When the van was delivered, Crystal stated, “Levi was sooo excited! He is in love with the new van! We all are! I can't wait to go on new adventures and feel safe and comfortable!”

She continued by stating, “Levi will be riding in a car seat till his new power chair with safe tie downs comes in, but he was so excited to see how he would ride now that we put him in his wheelchair spot [while he is] in his manual chair.”

She was thrilled to share that her power chair, as well as Starr’s power chair (Levi’s sibling) both fit perfectly in the back! She expressed her gratitude for the van, and all of the help it has provided for her and her family, stating, “We feel extremely lucky and blessed to have been chosen for such an amazing life-changing gift!"

Crystal, we feel beyond lucky to welcome you and your precious family to our community. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share your story, and we can’t wait to hear all about your next adventures in the van as time goes on.
