Hiatham B.

Hiatham spirits are low

November 6, 2018

Sadly, Hiatham’s seizures have continued to increase over the last several months.

Hiatham continues to fight but he is losing some of his strength. In addition to increased seizures, Haitham is also battling depression and feelings of isolation as his disease continues to progress. Earlier this year, Hiatham was seen by specialist at UCLA who continue to research effective mediations and treatments for Lafora patients, Hiatham remains hopeful that new medications and upcoming clinical trials will prove helpful to him in the near future. 

However, Hiatham continues to live on the first floor of his home and struggles to find comfort. Hiatham’s Mother, Azeza shared with us that she is desperately searching and fundraising for a ranch style wheelchair accessible home that will allow her to better care for Hiatham and provide Haitham with a better sense of normalcy. 

We'd love to flood their mailbox with well-wishes and happy notes! If you have a moment and a spare stamp, you can send cards and letters to: 

Hiatham Breadily
2754 Hikone Dr. 
Ann Arbor Michigan 48108-3233
