CTX Ability Sports

KCCO Ability Field gets a playground!

September 12, 2016

CTX Ability Sports was recently blessed to have over 180 Volunteers, including Operation Supply Drop and local Chivers, come together to help build a community park right next to KCCO Ability Field! CTX continues to improve upon their amazing special needs baseball field and their latest mission is to finish the cement walkway that connects the nearly finished rubberized/shaded playground and the new ADA restroom. The goal is to complete a full circle around the park so children with wheelchairs can enjoy the whole complex.

If you like to get involved with this new endeavor you can do so by donating here: https://www.gofundme.com/KCCOabilityfield

or you can contact CTX Director John Lorek to get involved: john@ctxabilitysports.com
