Jamie J.

Jamie’s Make a Wish count down has begun!

September 4, 2018

Jamie and his brother Jax are so excited for Jamie’s Make A Wish to Disney to meet Jack Sparrow! His wish to Disney World has been granted!

Jamie’s Mom shared that: "Jamie has been doing well and he just started the 4th grade this year. He is brilliant so this momma has no worries! He still enjoys his therapy spa to help his pain which has unfortunately become more frequent but we are working with doctors to figure it out. Jamie's heart aneurysms are still the same size and he will be having his heart catherization this fall to better evaluate them. Otherwise he remains  "healthy” and in happy spirits!  

We think of Chive Charities often and how much they helped us through a very difficult time after Jamie was sick. His illness was fairly new to us still when we applied for a Chive Charities Grant. We take his defibrillator everywhere we go and Jamie used all his strips for his PTINR machine (reluctantly of course) that was a lot of pokes to his fingers. One good thing out of all those finger pokes is he is getting calluses and that is helping him while he learns to play guitar. And of course his favorite thing to do is get in his therapy spa to help his legs after they have been pained all day.

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